Think Green

miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

EVE'S MONOLOGUE (Reading 4 Pleasure)

EVE: We are getting along very well now, Adam and I, and getting better and better acquainted. He does not try to avoid me any more, which is a good sign, and shows that he likes to have me with him. That pleases me, and I study to be useful to him in every way I can, so as to increase his regard. During the last day or two I have taken all the work of naming things off his hands, and this has been a great relief to him, for he has no gift in that line, and is evidently very grateful. He can't think of a rational name to save him, but I do not let him see that I am aware of his defect. Whenever a new creature comes along I name it before he has time to expose himself by an awkward silence. In this way I have saved him many embarrassments. I have no defect like this. The minute I set eyes on an animal I know what it is. I don't have to reflect a moment; the right name comes out instantly, just as if it were an inspiration, as no doubt it is, for I am sure it wasn't in me half a minute before. I seem to know just by the shape of the creature and the way it acts what animal it is. When the dodo came along he thought it was a wildcat--I saw it in his eye. But I saved him. And I was careful not to do it in a way that could hurt his pride. I just spoke up in a quite natural way of pleasing surprise, and not as if I was dreaming of conveying information, and said, "Well, I do declare, if there isn't the dodo!" I explained--without seeming to be explaining--how I know it for a dodo, and although I thought maybe he was a little piqued that I knew the creature when he didn't, it was quite evident that he admired me. That was very agreeable, and I thought of it more than once with gratification before I slept. How little a thing can make us happy when we feel that we have earned it!

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012



MONOLOGUE 2 by Josefina Triunfo y Luz Arguello

I hate this. I'm 60 years old now, and I'm not as fit as a fiddle 'cause I would like to be in another country, with my husband, alone, enjoying life, eating delicious food, and all that jazz. But I can't, because I have children and I have to be at home to call the tune so that they won't become uncontrolable children.
Oh,sister, you always tell me I will win the lottery one day...that's music to my ears! But I'm very unlucky so that won't happen to me. I know. I have to stay at home all day long, but when it comes to making decisions, I play second fiddle. My opinion isn't important to the rest of the people. It's unfair! Oh! what am I saying? It takes two to tango. I have to admit that I don't care about that... Oh my God! I ruined my husband's shirt! That happened because I am blowing my own trumpet.


MONOLOGUE 3 by Josefina Bauducco and Micaela Daviccino.

I regret about choosing parties instead of school, because now I have to face the music, and I have to work in a way that I don't like, and dance to somebody's tune. It's clear as a bell that nobody likes to follow someone else's orders. It is awful! I can't decide what I want to do. The only thing that I can do is to do what SHE says. But I am going to do that; I'll follow all her orders, as quickly as I can, so as  to finish early, because if I keep on complaining and thinking of other things, I am going to finish very late and I won't have time to do what I want. I have to iron, clean the bathroom, make the beds and all that jazz. Oh! It's very late! I have to stop thinking in bad things and start doing all the chores with a positive attitude.


MONOLOGUE 1 by paloma Martinez, Sofia Ryser, and Julieta Neder

How did I end up dancing at somebody else's tune? It all started with the guerrilla, when I lost my mother and father. Since then, I have lived with my grandfather; a person who is all the time blowing his own trumpet. It was as clear as a bell that he would not pay for my education, and I couldn't make a song and dance about it because I was not living there for free... And then...Michael's face comes to my mind. he is the only one who cares about what could happen to me, and the only one who takes care of me like a brother. But, unfortunatelly, I have ended up falling in love with him! I know it takes two to tange in matters of love. For a poor twelve year-old girl I am as fit as a fiddle, but for him I am still a "midget". I'm whistling in the dark and fading away from his life. Going back to were I started, I'm stil alone!

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

A little experiment: Yawning and laughing


A recently discovered system in the brain may help explain why we humans can get so worked up watching other people. 

Why do sports fans feel so emotionally invested in the game, reacting almost as if they were part of the game themselves? According to provocative discoveries in brain imaging, inside our heads we constantly "act out" and imitate whatever activity we're observing. As this video reveals, our so-called "mirror neurons" help us understand the actions of others and prime us to imitate what we see.


STAND-UP COMEDY: song for deaf people

The following are the artist's own words: "My deaf friend loves this! She read the lyrics along with his gestures and couldn't help but laugh. So people need to come down and stop getting so upset. If she can be positive and know this is meant for laughs and not trying to purposely make fun of deaf people so can you! :D"


viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012


This website contains numerous studies from which students can benefit when you do some research work for eventually writing you essay...

How to Write an Expository Essay.

An expository essayprovides an explanation or information of something through the use of factual data.
Facts can be further explained by using clear and concise ideas. Towards the end of the expository essay, the writer should be able to gradually build an argument out of the facts provided. This can be achieved by using cause and effect analysis, comparison and contrast, as well as by giving definitions or further examples of the central topic.
Here are the steps in writing an expository essay.

Step 1Identify the main topic.
Easy enough, but if you have the liberty to choose your topic, try not to choose those that are too general or which have been written about countless of times. Select a narrow topic that is interesting but has plenty of information at the same time.

Step 2Gather facts and other information relevant to the topic.
Select facts and information that are from credible sources such as peer-reviewed journals, books, and newspapers. Your facts may consist of statistical data, research findings, chronicles of previous events and other historical facts and figures published in books and journals.

Step 3Write your clear and concise thesis statement in your expository essay's first or introductory paragraph.
You may write your thesis statement as either the first or the last sentence of your essay. If you choose to put it in your first sentence, make sure that the succeeding sentences will tell more about your first sentence. In doing so, provide brief supporting ideas. On the other hand, if you choose to put in your last sentence, make sure that the sentences preceding it logically follow from one another until your last sentence.

Step 4Distribute your facts in your body paragraphs. Group your facts according to their commonalities.
Each body paragraph should tackle one key idea. Support each of your ideas in every body paragraph with relevant facts and figures. Avoid repeating facts in different paragraphs as it will make your essay look as though it was not carefully planned. Place facts whenever needed.

Step 5Provide logical and smooth transition sentences between paragraphs.
The way in which you make a transition from one body paragraph to another should be logical. Otherwise, the whole structure of your expository essay will collapse.

Step 6Conclude your essay.
Assess the topic in light of the evidence you provided. Your expository essay's conclusion is your last chance to establish the argument that you have derived from the key facts you discussed.

Tip: in writing an Expository Essay, avoid using the first-person pronoun ("I"). Rather, use second-person pronouns.